Congregational Care

This ministry provides encouragement to sick and homebound members through home, hospital, and nursing home visitation. Members of this ministry visit our nursing homes and homebound members monthly. They send get well cards, a copy of our church bulletin, and other Christian literature to comfort those who are sick and homebound, allowing our members to continue being an active part of the church.

Sick & Visitation Ministry

his ministry provides encouragement to sick and homebound members through home, hospital, and nursing home visitation. Members of this ministry visit our nursing homes and homebound members monthly. They send get well cards, a copy of our church bulletin, and other Christian literature to comfort those who are sick and homebound, allowing our members to continue being an active part of the church.

The Sick/Visitation Ministry meets the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room. For more information contact Patrice Camel, 621-7186 or 

Grief & Loss Ministry

The aim of this ministry is to minister emotionally, spiritually and socially to fellow Christians within the church family and community who are experiencing a significant loss. Our church volunteers provide care to those in need through phone calls, cards, personal visits, and support groups.

Our Grief Support Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month (excluding the summer months) at 6:00 p.m. in the Parlor. For more information contact Ministry Leader: Jan Fuller.


For more information contact Scout Leader Mr. Darryl Hinson or Rev. Rosevelt Morris at 251-5173 or

Assimilation Ministry

 This ministry serves to welcome new members to the church and provides them with a path for successful assimilation into the church body and the life of Christ. They also provide children, youth, and adult classes for new members. This ministry is responsible for conducting the PLACE workshop that aids them in helping members become a part of the ministries where they might further hone their spiritual gifts.

Under the leadership of Roosevelt Morris 

Meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Boardroom