2017 Ministry Fair

2017 Ministry Fair, January 15th All ministries are encouraged to setup a table in the fellowship hall about their ministry of service. Twofold: To inform others about your ministry and purpose. 2.  To recruit new persons to join, engage, and serve. Each ministry should call  Michael Eaton (receptionist)...

Dancing with the Doctors

Join US! Dr. Dotson will be addressing the Line Dance Ministry about the importance of Moving to prevent Heart Disease.

The Keenagers’ Ministry

The KEENAGERS' MINISTRY SENIOR FUN DAY   Monday, February 27th, 10:30 a.m. Outreach initiatives will be reviewed. We welcome all Seniors/Retirees 50+ Friends. Speakers: Healthy Heart, Trip to Wash., DC - African American Museum, and baseball games at Regions Park.          ...

Midday Bible Study

Boardroom,  led by Mrs. Valeria Wilson.