Keenager’s/Senior Fun Day Meeting

The Keenager's will meet 10:30 - 11:45 in the Fellowship Hall. At 12 noon promptly. The Seasoned Performers of Birmingham, Alabama will present " Is this Funny... or what? Lunch will be served after the performance in the Fellowship Hall.

Tailgate Sunday

Morning worship will begin at 10:00 am, tailgate immediately following worship.

Sunday Morning Bible Study Open House

Come and meet our Sunday Morning Bible Study teachers and become a part of a life - changing study group. Open House is scheduled for October 16th and 23rd. So mark your calendar and visit our children, youth and adult classes.

Fall Family Blitz

Help make our festival a success by donating assorted candy. Labeled bins are located throughout the church.

Fall Family Blitz

This year, we're having a Fall Family Blitz on October 26, 2016. Help make our festival a success by donating assorted candy. Labeled bins are located throughout the church.