Small Group Hosts

Growing Together in Service and Fellowship
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16
- One year commitment to host your group. Your group will meet for three semesters.
- After your application is submitted, we will schedule a time to speak with you to discuss your application and your plans for your small group.
- Upon review and discussion of your application, please make yourself available to attend the orientation and training to host your group.
- Your group is asked to complete one service/community project per semester. This can be a project/event of your choice or you may defer to the Small Group Coordinator for suggestions. You may also work in conjunction with another group and/ministry to fulfil this requirement.
- Guidelines have been established for the composure of small groups.
- Members will be allowed to sign up for your group during the enrollment period.
- Small groups shall have no more than 10 members at a time. All others will be placed on a waiting list for your group. The rationale behind this is to allow bonding within a small environment.
- Your group must meet at least once per month.
- You will be required to submit reports to the small group coordinator regarding your membership status, activities, and service projects.
- We encourage meeting off the church campus, but should you require the use of a meeting room at the church please submit your request to the small group coordinator. Ministry Leader: Michelle M. Chambers, 785-7055 or